I thought I would share with you, what I hope, think, and will make happen in 2013. I have decided I need goals, I need determination, and something to strive towards. So here are the things I see for 2013, for my family.....
- Savings! I plan to get ALL our debts paid off, and to start saving for a car. Since I know I can't get away with having a zippy little coupe, I really really want a Hyundai iMax. These are not that badly priced and we wouldn't be looking at getting a brand new one (although that would be nice), so I think I can do this in 2013.
- Xavier starts school! My 3rd little baby starts school in 2013! So I plan to help all of them more with their homework, not take unnecessary days off school, and to keep up with everything better. Education is very important to hubby and I, and we want to instill this into our children. You work hard, you get what you want.
- In saying that 3 of my babies will be at school, I will still have little Mr Liam at home. I want to embrace this! I want to sit and play with him more, spend that one on one time with him, that I really haven't had much of a chance to have with him. I want to teach him, talk with him and cuddle him.
- I want to make my hubby happy, and hopefully, get married to him. He really is the man of my dreams. He loves me, he works his a$$ off for me and our children, he understands me and helps me when times get tough. He is my best friend and I can't wait to be able to call him my husband! (Note: We have been engaged since 2007!)
- I want a new couch. Pretty simple really, ours has had it lol.
- I want to loose weight, and to be fit and healthy! I don't want to be shy and have to work up the courage to take my kids to the pool, and struggle every day with finding something to wear that is comfortable.
- I want to get a new camera (the kids broke mine!!) and learn how to use it properly, and take lots of photos, all the time. I want time to stand still with photos, and all the memories that will pass us in the blink of an eye.
- I want to get in front of the camera with my kids! I avoid being in front of the camera often, as I don't like the way I look. (See 'I want to loose weight') lol.
- I want to be happy. I mean, I am happy, but I want to brush off some things that trouble me, and leave them in the past. I want contentment.
- I would like my blog to be bigger and better. I want to put my time and effort into it. However I will need a new computer, as I have to use hubby's and he is always on it for work. So, another thing I will have to save for - computer!
Well I think that is all at the moment. I am sure I will think of a hundred more, but in saying that, I have to have some sort of realistic number of goals and wants for one year lol.
What are your goals and wants for 2013? Feel free to share in the comments!
Merry Christmas everyone, and may your new year be happy, fun and everything you want it to be!
xx Tiff......
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Thursday, December 13, 2012
All I want for Christmas is....
So I have had the great honour of being 'selected' by the one and only Dad Down Under to spread the Christmas cheer, and ditch the kids 'wish list' for one of my own.
I am a self confessed Christmas Junkie! I loooove Christmas and everything that goes with it! (I am sorry I am not religious so I don't do the traditonal stuff, but fully support those that do). I love the happiness it gives my children, the glow of excitment that radiates off their sleepy faces in the morning of the 25th. I love the shopping, I love the planning, I LOVE the decorating, I love the lights and I love being able to pig out! LOL.
I have not really given much thought to a Christmas Present for myself, real or hypothetical. So this might be a little bit challenging..... But here it goes.....
1 - I want .......... (I am stuck!!)
-----Insert thinking music here! ------
1- I want a Kitchen aid - In HOT pink!! I have always been a pink girly girl, but don't tend to splash it around the house as much as I don't think that majority of the household, being BOYS would appreciate that. But one of these I would display proudly on my benchtop!!
2 - I want a new car - but that's not going to happen HAHA!!
Idealy one of these -->
3 - To own my own house. That WOULD be a dream come true!
4 - For my beautiful man, and my gorgeous kids, to forever be happy and want for nothing. They are my life, my world, and are more precious to me then anything!
5 - Lastly, the most important. I would like to live off a diet of Chocolate and Coffee, and it NOT be bad for me, and in fact make me skinny and toned! Surely that is not too much to ask for? Right? LOL!!
So now I pass this on to five other fellow bloggers, and let them release thier Christmas Wishes upon the world. You never know, Santa is ALWAYS watching!
Get on with IT already
Beccis Domestic Bliss
The Aussie Hausfrau
The Simple Mummy
I am a self confessed Christmas Junkie! I loooove Christmas and everything that goes with it! (I am sorry I am not religious so I don't do the traditonal stuff, but fully support those that do). I love the happiness it gives my children, the glow of excitment that radiates off their sleepy faces in the morning of the 25th. I love the shopping, I love the planning, I LOVE the decorating, I love the lights and I love being able to pig out! LOL.
I have not really given much thought to a Christmas Present for myself, real or hypothetical. So this might be a little bit challenging..... But here it goes.....
1 - I want .......... (I am stuck!!)
-----Insert thinking music here! ------
1- I want a Kitchen aid - In HOT pink!! I have always been a pink girly girl, but don't tend to splash it around the house as much as I don't think that majority of the household, being BOYS would appreciate that. But one of these I would display proudly on my benchtop!!
2 - I want a new car - but that's not going to happen HAHA!!
Idealy one of these -->
3 - To own my own house. That WOULD be a dream come true!
4 - For my beautiful man, and my gorgeous kids, to forever be happy and want for nothing. They are my life, my world, and are more precious to me then anything!
5 - Lastly, the most important. I would like to live off a diet of Chocolate and Coffee, and it NOT be bad for me, and in fact make me skinny and toned! Surely that is not too much to ask for? Right? LOL!!
So now I pass this on to five other fellow bloggers, and let them release thier Christmas Wishes upon the world. You never know, Santa is ALWAYS watching!
Get on with IT already
Beccis Domestic Bliss
The Aussie Hausfrau
The Simple Mummy
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Honey and Cinnamon Christmas Trees
You can use a cookie cutter to cut these into any shapes, not just trees....
- 200g butter at room temp
- 1/2 cup icing sugar
- 1/3 cup honey
- 2 cups plain flour
- 1/4 cup self raising flour
- 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- 2 tablespoons milk
- Line baking trays with baking paper. Use an electric mixer and beat butter and icing sugar in a bowl until pale and creamy. Add honey. Beat until well combined.
- Place flours, cinnamon and milk in a bowl then add butter mixture. Mix until a dough forms. Put onto a well floured surface and knead gently until smooth. Divide dough in half and wrap each portion in glad wrap and put in the fridge for 15 minutes.
- Preheat oven to 160 degrees Celsius. Using a floured rolling pin, roll one portion of dough out until about 5mm thick (they don't rise very much).
- Using a cutter, cut out biscuits and place on the trays. Re roll the left over dough and keep cutting out until it is all gone. Do this with your other portion of dough.
- Place in the oven for 10-12 minutes. Cool on tray for 5 minutes before putting on a wire rack to cool completely.
You can ice these or leave them plain, they are yummy either way. It also depends how big your cutters are as to how many you will get, but I got 30 out of my batch. :)
- 200g butter at room temp
- 1/2 cup icing sugar
- 1/3 cup honey
- 2 cups plain flour
- 1/4 cup self raising flour
- 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- 2 tablespoons milk
- Line baking trays with baking paper. Use an electric mixer and beat butter and icing sugar in a bowl until pale and creamy. Add honey. Beat until well combined.
- Place flours, cinnamon and milk in a bowl then add butter mixture. Mix until a dough forms. Put onto a well floured surface and knead gently until smooth. Divide dough in half and wrap each portion in glad wrap and put in the fridge for 15 minutes.
- Preheat oven to 160 degrees Celsius. Using a floured rolling pin, roll one portion of dough out until about 5mm thick (they don't rise very much).
- Using a cutter, cut out biscuits and place on the trays. Re roll the left over dough and keep cutting out until it is all gone. Do this with your other portion of dough.
- Place in the oven for 10-12 minutes. Cool on tray for 5 minutes before putting on a wire rack to cool completely.
You can ice these or leave them plain, they are yummy either way. It also depends how big your cutters are as to how many you will get, but I got 30 out of my batch. :)
Friday, November 2, 2012
The Liebster Award!
I am so honoured to be given the Liebster Award from The Phenomenal Woman !! I have to admit I didn't know what this meant, but I am seeing an invisible trophy on my bookshelf right now!! LOL
"The award is given to support and recognise up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers (on their blog) or likers (on their Facebook page). The word “Liebster” apparently has German origins and is reported to mean sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. By following some basic rules (answer 11 questions set by your nominee, write 11 questions of your own and pass the award onto 11 other bloggers to answer) it enables readers to get to know new bloggers and connect with a wider audience."
So, apparently, I am suppose to answer the questions that The Phenomenal Woman (who, I promise, IS a VERY phenomenal woman!!) has set out for me, then pass it on. So here are the questions she has asked, and my answers...... (deep breath!)
1) What is your favourite past time, and why?
A: Hrmm, tricky one! I guess it would be appropriate timing, but my favourite past time is watching the Carols by candle light on Christmas Eve! I used to do it EVERY year with my mother (which is one of my dearest memories of her), and now I love watching it with my own children, singing ALL the songs, waiting for Santa, then when they go to bed, sitting on the floor, listening, and singing along, while wrapping pressies for the morning. :)
2) Do you have any pets, and if so, what are they?
A: Does this include children and a husband???? hehe, No I have 2 pets, 1 King Charles Cavalier puppy called Sookie (YES I love True Blood, so what?!) And we also have a cat (but he is more of Miss 8's cat) and his name is Benny. He is a beautiful grey ultra fluffy cat that LOOOVES a cuddle!
3) What is your favourite way to spend time with the family?
A: In warmer weather, outside in the sun, having a BBQ, and playing games like cricket, football, and having a good old laugh!
4) If you have one message to give to the leader of our country, what would it be?
A: Honestly, I don't follow politics a great deal, and I am certainly not a keen voter of the traditional Labour or Liberal parties. I know this sounds a bit funky, but I follow The Australian Sex Party. I believe in a lot of the things they believe in, and honestly, labour and liberal are trivial to me. So my message would be something along the lines of "Please stop acting like a child, grow up, and be responsible for this country, and the people in it." I really don't know .... ???
5) If you could pass one law, what would it be?
A: Easy, allow Gay marriage. Love is love, who cares who it is between, as long as it is adult and consensual, then what's the big deal?? They are no different! (My Uncle In law ((if that's a real thing)) is gay, and he is super awesome!)
6) What is one item you can not live without?
A: I am going to sound cheesy, but my family. I simply wouldn't have the will to breathe!
7) If you were a colour, what would it be?
A: Oh this is fun! Id be bubblegum PINK!!
8) If there was one thing you could banish from your life, what would it be?
A: Look, there are a lot of things I would of preferred to be different, but honestly, a lot of these bad things, have shaped me into the (what I think) strong, resilient woman that I am! The only one thing I would want to banish would be cancer. I want my mum back.......
9) What is your best personality trait and why?
A: I think personally, my forgive and forget manor. I tend to not dwell on things for very long. If someone says sorry, then I forgive, and let go of the issue immediately. I have learnt to do this through a very long, difficult few years, but now I have this ability, I see it as a kind of super power! Somethings however can not be forgotten. I have recently let go and forgiven some people for some very nasty things that had been done to me. But I no longer interact with these people, as it makes me depressed. So that will not be forgotten. It has to be pretty serious for that to happen though.
10) What do you want the world to know about you?
A: Oh, I am going to have to think about this one! {Insert thinking music here - something from jeopardy maybe} I am just a normal person, I am a mother to 4 beautiful children, I am an almost wife to the love of my life. However, I feel I am meant for something bigger. I don't know what it is yet, but I want to make an impact on something or someone, somewhere. I don't know when, I don't know how, but it is going to happen! ...... Stay tuned!
11) If you could visit any place in the world, where would it be, and why?
A: Well that depends on the situation, but the place I have ALWAYS dreamed of going, was Rome. It calls to me on some deep level.
Ok, I am DONE!! I am passing this on to some other bloggers now to have some fun! Make sure you check out their blogs of awsomeness!!
The Simple Mummy
Five Little Reasons
Dad Down Under
The Aussie Hausfrau
It's A Circus In Here
Seven Cherubs
Getting Sorted - Each Day As It Comes
Mums Spot
Modern Mummy Mayhem
Reservoir Dad
My Mummy Daze
Ok Bloggers - Here are my questions for you! {Note: I sat here with the page open for a whole hour before I could even think of ONE question!!! LOL}
1) What is your most favourite thing to do ever, and why?
2) If you could have ONE superpower, what would it be, and why?
3) What is one interesting thing about yourself, that you haven't shared yet, that you think people should know?
4) What is your favourite thing about being a blogger?
5) What is one thing you hope to achieve in life, something big?
6) What would be find on your iPod/Playlists right now?
7) If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
8) What is your favourite season? Summer, Autumn, Winter or Spring?
9) If you could go back and talk to your 18 year old self, what would you say?
10) What inspires you?
11) If you could lead the country, what changes would you make?
Good luck!! Have fun, and remember to pass on fellow bloggers xxxx
"The award is given to support and recognise up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers (on their blog) or likers (on their Facebook page). The word “Liebster” apparently has German origins and is reported to mean sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. By following some basic rules (answer 11 questions set by your nominee, write 11 questions of your own and pass the award onto 11 other bloggers to answer) it enables readers to get to know new bloggers and connect with a wider audience."
So, apparently, I am suppose to answer the questions that The Phenomenal Woman (who, I promise, IS a VERY phenomenal woman!!) has set out for me, then pass it on. So here are the questions she has asked, and my answers...... (deep breath!)
1) What is your favourite past time, and why?
A: Hrmm, tricky one! I guess it would be appropriate timing, but my favourite past time is watching the Carols by candle light on Christmas Eve! I used to do it EVERY year with my mother (which is one of my dearest memories of her), and now I love watching it with my own children, singing ALL the songs, waiting for Santa, then when they go to bed, sitting on the floor, listening, and singing along, while wrapping pressies for the morning. :)
2) Do you have any pets, and if so, what are they?
A: Does this include children and a husband???? hehe, No I have 2 pets, 1 King Charles Cavalier puppy called Sookie (YES I love True Blood, so what?!) And we also have a cat (but he is more of Miss 8's cat) and his name is Benny. He is a beautiful grey ultra fluffy cat that LOOOVES a cuddle!
3) What is your favourite way to spend time with the family?
A: In warmer weather, outside in the sun, having a BBQ, and playing games like cricket, football, and having a good old laugh!
4) If you have one message to give to the leader of our country, what would it be?
A: Honestly, I don't follow politics a great deal, and I am certainly not a keen voter of the traditional Labour or Liberal parties. I know this sounds a bit funky, but I follow The Australian Sex Party. I believe in a lot of the things they believe in, and honestly, labour and liberal are trivial to me. So my message would be something along the lines of "Please stop acting like a child, grow up, and be responsible for this country, and the people in it." I really don't know .... ???
5) If you could pass one law, what would it be?
A: Easy, allow Gay marriage. Love is love, who cares who it is between, as long as it is adult and consensual, then what's the big deal?? They are no different! (My Uncle In law ((if that's a real thing)) is gay, and he is super awesome!)
6) What is one item you can not live without?
A: I am going to sound cheesy, but my family. I simply wouldn't have the will to breathe!
7) If you were a colour, what would it be?
A: Oh this is fun! Id be bubblegum PINK!!
8) If there was one thing you could banish from your life, what would it be?
A: Look, there are a lot of things I would of preferred to be different, but honestly, a lot of these bad things, have shaped me into the (what I think) strong, resilient woman that I am! The only one thing I would want to banish would be cancer. I want my mum back.......
9) What is your best personality trait and why?
A: I think personally, my forgive and forget manor. I tend to not dwell on things for very long. If someone says sorry, then I forgive, and let go of the issue immediately. I have learnt to do this through a very long, difficult few years, but now I have this ability, I see it as a kind of super power! Somethings however can not be forgotten. I have recently let go and forgiven some people for some very nasty things that had been done to me. But I no longer interact with these people, as it makes me depressed. So that will not be forgotten. It has to be pretty serious for that to happen though.
10) What do you want the world to know about you?
A: Oh, I am going to have to think about this one! {Insert thinking music here - something from jeopardy maybe} I am just a normal person, I am a mother to 4 beautiful children, I am an almost wife to the love of my life. However, I feel I am meant for something bigger. I don't know what it is yet, but I want to make an impact on something or someone, somewhere. I don't know when, I don't know how, but it is going to happen! ...... Stay tuned!
11) If you could visit any place in the world, where would it be, and why?
A: Well that depends on the situation, but the place I have ALWAYS dreamed of going, was Rome. It calls to me on some deep level.
Ok, I am DONE!! I am passing this on to some other bloggers now to have some fun! Make sure you check out their blogs of awsomeness!!
The Simple Mummy
Five Little Reasons
Dad Down Under
The Aussie Hausfrau
It's A Circus In Here
Seven Cherubs
Getting Sorted - Each Day As It Comes
Mums Spot
Modern Mummy Mayhem
Reservoir Dad
My Mummy Daze
Ok Bloggers - Here are my questions for you! {Note: I sat here with the page open for a whole hour before I could even think of ONE question!!! LOL}
1) What is your most favourite thing to do ever, and why?
2) If you could have ONE superpower, what would it be, and why?
3) What is one interesting thing about yourself, that you haven't shared yet, that you think people should know?
4) What is your favourite thing about being a blogger?
5) What is one thing you hope to achieve in life, something big?
6) What would be find on your iPod/Playlists right now?
7) If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
8) What is your favourite season? Summer, Autumn, Winter or Spring?
9) If you could go back and talk to your 18 year old self, what would you say?
10) What inspires you?
11) If you could lead the country, what changes would you make?
Good luck!! Have fun, and remember to pass on fellow bloggers xxxx
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
School Station - All aboard!
I am going to share with you all how I store and sort my kids and their things for school.
I have 2 at school, and next year I will have 3. I don't know what I am going to do with myself when I only have one at home. I feel like I have been imagining that day in my head for, forever! HAHA!
Anyway, this is my cube cupboard. I got it for $149 from Amart Furniture. It didn't need to be pricey, just functional. I refuse to buy expensive furniture while my kids are young.
I have 2 at school, and next year I will have 3. I don't know what I am going to do with myself when I only have one at home. I feel like I have been imagining that day in my head for, forever! HAHA!
Anyway, this is my cube cupboard. I got it for $149 from Amart Furniture. It didn't need to be pricey, just functional. I refuse to buy expensive furniture while my kids are young.
Monday, October 29, 2012
They are cute, and they were a big hit a long long time ago! I used to love brushing their hair into all sorts of styles.
However, the topic of Trolls I am intending to write about, does not involve these cute little go getter's.
No, the Trolls I mean, are the gutless, cowardly, snively excuse for human beings, that sit behind their computer screen, and criticize others.
They SUCK!! I think anyone who does this, needs to be deleted and dealt with accordingly. What is the world coming to when you can't say anything without being attacked. So many people have been seriously affected by this Internet bullying. And it is absolute (excuse the french) bullshit!!
If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything. That is what I was taught. OK so sometimes I can't sit idly by while someone does/says something that affects me, my children or husband directly. I cant. I wont! But in saying that, I wouldn't even dream of doing it online. What's the point of it??
If I have something to say to someone, I will GLADLY say it to their face. Mano a Mano!
It frightens me that this is what is happening now. Imagine when our children are older! My oldest is 8 1/2, she asked for a Facebook account (granted it was only she could play those stupid games like Farm ville etc) but it was a flat out NO from me! Not a chance in hell baby girl!
I am too scared for her to have such an account, not to mention its so unnecessary. But I am getting off the point now....
If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything! Don't type it either! It doesn't help anyone, and you come across looking like a total idiot, a coward and a douche!
Sorry for the ranting tonight, just had to get it out there!
Peace out!
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Hedgehog Slice
- 250g pack plain biscuits
- 1/2 coconut
- 1/2 cup chopped up walnuts (I throw whole ones in the food processor and pulse)
- 2 TBSP cocoa
- 150g chocolate (I LOVE Aldi chocolate for cooking, it tastes great and its ultra cheap!)
- 100g butter, chopped
- 1 can sweetened condensed milk (I use the reduced fat ones)
Chocolate topping:
- 150g chocolate
- 1 tbsp oil
- Spray lamington tin lightly with oil, and put down some baking paper, making sure you leave some hanging at the sides to lift off easily when you're done.
- Put biscuits in a snap lock bag, get a rolling pin out, andtake out your anger crush them into small pieces but not 'ground up'.
- In a bowl, add biscuits, coconut, walnuts and cocoa. Give it a small mix to combine.
- In a saucepan, add your chopped up chocolate, butter and condensed milk, and stir over low heat until melted and smooth. Let it cool a little bit.
- Stir your chocolate mixture into your dry ingredients.
-Using a metal spoon, press your mixture into the tray, and smooth the top. Put in the fridge to set for about 1 hour.
ICING - Melt your chocolate and oil in a bowl over a saucepan of boiling water. Stirring often, but not constantly, until melted. Pour on top of your slice and let it set in the fridge until hard. Cut and YUM!
- 250g pack plain biscuits
- 1/2 coconut
- 1/2 cup chopped up walnuts (I throw whole ones in the food processor and pulse)
- 2 TBSP cocoa
- 150g chocolate (I LOVE Aldi chocolate for cooking, it tastes great and its ultra cheap!)
- 100g butter, chopped
- 1 can sweetened condensed milk (I use the reduced fat ones)
Chocolate topping:
- 150g chocolate
- 1 tbsp oil
- Spray lamington tin lightly with oil, and put down some baking paper, making sure you leave some hanging at the sides to lift off easily when you're done.
- Put biscuits in a snap lock bag, get a rolling pin out, and
- In a bowl, add biscuits, coconut, walnuts and cocoa. Give it a small mix to combine.
- In a saucepan, add your chopped up chocolate, butter and condensed milk, and stir over low heat until melted and smooth. Let it cool a little bit.
- Stir your chocolate mixture into your dry ingredients.
-Using a metal spoon, press your mixture into the tray, and smooth the top. Put in the fridge to set for about 1 hour.
ICING - Melt your chocolate and oil in a bowl over a saucepan of boiling water. Stirring often, but not constantly, until melted. Pour on top of your slice and let it set in the fridge until hard. Cut and YUM!
Peanut Butter and Banana Muffins!
- 1 cup firmly packed Brown sugar
- 1/2 cup peanut butter
- 1 cup mashed banana (about 2 bananas)
- 1 egg white
- 1 cup plain flour
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp bi-carb soda
- 1/2 tsp salt
- Preheat oven to 170 degrees with fan. Put patty pans into 12 muffins holes.
- Mix brown sugar, peanut butter, banana, and egg white in a bowl with a wooden spoon.
- Add the flour, baking powder, bi carb soda, and mix until JUST combined (will still be a little lumpy).
- Divide evenly between your patty pans and bake 15-20 minutes.
- Put on a wire rack to cool.
Note: You can also add a touch of cinnamon if you like, its yummy.
- 1 cup firmly packed Brown sugar
- 1/2 cup peanut butter
- 1 cup mashed banana (about 2 bananas)
- 1 egg white
- 1 cup plain flour
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp bi-carb soda
- 1/2 tsp salt
- Preheat oven to 170 degrees with fan. Put patty pans into 12 muffins holes.
- Mix brown sugar, peanut butter, banana, and egg white in a bowl with a wooden spoon.
- Add the flour, baking powder, bi carb soda, and mix until JUST combined (will still be a little lumpy).
- Divide evenly between your patty pans and bake 15-20 minutes.
- Put on a wire rack to cool.
Note: You can also add a touch of cinnamon if you like, its yummy.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
My story
OK, I will go first. This is my story.
My name is Tiff. I have 4 children from 8yo to 2yo. I am 24, and I have never put much effort into my health or fitness. But since my mothers recent departure from this world, it has opened my eyes to the extreme benefits of health and fitness.
So I am not going to tell you my current weight (nor do I expect you to, sometimes that is just WAY to scarry to put on the WWW). I will however tell you I took my dog for a walk tonight with my 8yo daughter. On the way home she started running ahead of me. So I decided to run too. I ran right passed her and she was SO shocked to see mummy running. But she said "way to go mum!!" and that was it! My 8yo daughter has started me on a mission. Mums can run too!
Hence this page was born. My goal? To loose weight, keep a track of my total weight loss on here and to hopefully help support other who also want to get into shape and healthy. Its time to start the 'mums can run' cause! xx
My name is Tiff. I have 4 children from 8yo to 2yo. I am 24, and I have never put much effort into my health or fitness. But since my mothers recent departure from this world, it has opened my eyes to the extreme benefits of health and fitness.
So I am not going to tell you my current weight (nor do I expect you to, sometimes that is just WAY to scarry to put on the WWW). I will however tell you I took my dog for a walk tonight with my 8yo daughter. On the way home she started running ahead of me. So I decided to run too. I ran right passed her and she was SO shocked to see mummy running. But she said "way to go mum!!" and that was it! My 8yo daughter has started me on a mission. Mums can run too!
Hence this page was born. My goal? To loose weight, keep a track of my total weight loss on here and to hopefully help support other who also want to get into shape and healthy. Its time to start the 'mums can run' cause! xx
Friday, October 19, 2012
Pea Proscuitto and Parmesan Risotto
- 4 Cups (1 litre) chicken stock
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 60g butter
- 2 garlic cloves, crushed
- 10 slices prosciutto, chopped
- 2 cups aborio rice
- 1/2 water
- 1 1/2 cups frozen peas
- 40g Parmesan grated
- extra Parmesan to serve
- Bring the stock to a simmer in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Keep it hot but not boiling
- Heat oil and 1 tablespoon butter in a heavy based saucepan/pot over medium heat. Add garlic and cook stirring for a few minutes until fragrant
- Add in the prosciutto and cook for 2 minutes.
- Add the aborio rice and stir until combined with the garlic and oil mix, the rice should appear 'glassy'
- Add 1/2 cup water and stir until all absorbed
- Add a ladle full of stock to your rice, and stir until it is ALL absorbed
- Keep adding stock and stirring until it is all absorbed before adding the next ladle full. This is important to make sure it is all absorbed first. It will take about 15-20 minutes to do this.
- With the last ladle of stock, add your peas
- Take off the heat and stir in the Parmesan and the remaining butter. Season with salt and pepper to taste
- Sprinkle with remaining Parmesan and yummo!
- 4 Cups (1 litre) chicken stock
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 60g butter
- 2 garlic cloves, crushed
- 10 slices prosciutto, chopped
- 2 cups aborio rice
- 1/2 water
- 1 1/2 cups frozen peas
- 40g Parmesan grated
- extra Parmesan to serve
- Bring the stock to a simmer in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Keep it hot but not boiling
- Heat oil and 1 tablespoon butter in a heavy based saucepan/pot over medium heat. Add garlic and cook stirring for a few minutes until fragrant
- Add in the prosciutto and cook for 2 minutes.
- Add the aborio rice and stir until combined with the garlic and oil mix, the rice should appear 'glassy'
- Add 1/2 cup water and stir until all absorbed
- Add a ladle full of stock to your rice, and stir until it is ALL absorbed
- Keep adding stock and stirring until it is all absorbed before adding the next ladle full. This is important to make sure it is all absorbed first. It will take about 15-20 minutes to do this.
- With the last ladle of stock, add your peas
- Take off the heat and stir in the Parmesan and the remaining butter. Season with salt and pepper to taste
- Sprinkle with remaining Parmesan and yummo!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
OK, It Is On!!
Ok, I am going to say it ....
I am quietly shitting bricks here!
Every year I put on a mid year lay-by so I can pay it off, avoid the rush and the crowds, and to have peace of mind the kids will be getting pressents, no matter what happens through the year.
Yeah well, that didn't happen this year as we had our big move, so I couldn't exactly go to Victoria from Queensland to pick them up (although they would of stayed hidden well!).
So, now, I am faced with the problem that Christmas is fast approaching. I LOVE the Christmas season, it makes me happy, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE all the shinny things and tacky songs. Im the one you will find having a CD of Christmas songs on in the car loud singing along while the kids look at me funny. Yeah I know, but that's just me.
So I went out the other night, and found a nice young man at Target, and kindly asked him if he would please help me with getting some bikes to put on lay by. He said "Sure, which one would you like?" I said "that one, that one, that one and this one" I have 4 kids, I needed 4 bikes. "Oh!" was his reply. Yeah yeah ok, just get the bikes matey! LOL I think he was upset I was making him do too much work. Anyway, I got the bikes on lay by, YAY, got their major pressie sorted. Now just gotta to everything else! Not to mention our tree got kinda, peed on by the dog. It was gross, so we tossed it. Looks like I am in the market for a new tree......
I am quietly shitting bricks here!
Every year I put on a mid year lay-by so I can pay it off, avoid the rush and the crowds, and to have peace of mind the kids will be getting pressents, no matter what happens through the year.
Yeah well, that didn't happen this year as we had our big move, so I couldn't exactly go to Victoria from Queensland to pick them up (although they would of stayed hidden well!).
So, now, I am faced with the problem that Christmas is fast approaching. I LOVE the Christmas season, it makes me happy, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE all the shinny things and tacky songs. Im the one you will find having a CD of Christmas songs on in the car loud singing along while the kids look at me funny. Yeah I know, but that's just me.
So I went out the other night, and found a nice young man at Target, and kindly asked him if he would please help me with getting some bikes to put on lay by. He said "Sure, which one would you like?" I said "that one, that one, that one and this one" I have 4 kids, I needed 4 bikes. "Oh!" was his reply. Yeah yeah ok, just get the bikes matey! LOL I think he was upset I was making him do too much work. Anyway, I got the bikes on lay by, YAY, got their major pressie sorted. Now just gotta to everything else! Not to mention our tree got kinda, peed on by the dog. It was gross, so we tossed it. Looks like I am in the market for a new tree......
Well, I just needed to get this off my chest, voice how I am feeling so it doesn't cripple me inside anymore.
I am lonely.
I have moved to a brand new state, and I know zero people. Recently there was a huge blow out with my 'family' that has been coming for years, and so now I have zero family members, and hubby is always working. Like, ALWAYS!
I have my children, of course. But sometimes all I wish for, is someone to invite me over for a coffee and a chat. A grown up chat! Not about child 1 wants a blue cup, but child 2 is already using the blue cup.
I was hoping that when the kids started school, I would be able to blend in to other mums conversations, and make some new friends. But I have found this difficult. I have gone so shy! I mean, I have never been not shy, but I have never been THIS shy. I am struggling. I need adult interaction, I miss my husband, and I miss my mum. She was always there for me to talk to. Now she has gone, there is no one. I have no confidant, I have no vent, hubby doesn't want to hear it after his long days, and I don't blame him, and try not to bother him with it. But it's becoming a plain old fact, that I am lonely. My soul aches for all I have lost. My heart aches for the love of something not there anymore. And my head aches from having to deal with children who are coping with loss and change as well.
This is my rant, and I don't mean to offend anyone, I love each and every one of you who follow me, and takes the time to comment and help me when I need it. But sometimes, a face to face conversation is worth a million likes.
I am lonely.
I have moved to a brand new state, and I know zero people. Recently there was a huge blow out with my 'family' that has been coming for years, and so now I have zero family members, and hubby is always working. Like, ALWAYS!
I have my children, of course. But sometimes all I wish for, is someone to invite me over for a coffee and a chat. A grown up chat! Not about child 1 wants a blue cup, but child 2 is already using the blue cup.
I was hoping that when the kids started school, I would be able to blend in to other mums conversations, and make some new friends. But I have found this difficult. I have gone so shy! I mean, I have never been not shy, but I have never been THIS shy. I am struggling. I need adult interaction, I miss my husband, and I miss my mum. She was always there for me to talk to. Now she has gone, there is no one. I have no confidant, I have no vent, hubby doesn't want to hear it after his long days, and I don't blame him, and try not to bother him with it. But it's becoming a plain old fact, that I am lonely. My soul aches for all I have lost. My heart aches for the love of something not there anymore. And my head aches from having to deal with children who are coping with loss and change as well.
This is my rant, and I don't mean to offend anyone, I love each and every one of you who follow me, and takes the time to comment and help me when I need it. But sometimes, a face to face conversation is worth a million likes.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Guest Post from The Simple Mummy
Tiffany asked me if I wanted to do a guest blog and I have to tell you I was a little excited and nervous at the same time. I’m a young mum like Tiff, I have 3 young boys and I’m currently baking number 4 (I wondered why she wasn’t crazy trying to survive four kids, and now I’m trying to do the same).
Raising children it a great life experience and sometimes it can prove to be a hard task, I mean bills come in, school fees a due, someone loses a jumper in the middle of winter and before you know it you could slammed with an unexpected turn of events.
It happens all the time, and every time we’re never prepared for it. No matter what your age or how many kids you have we all end up with a ‘rough’time at some point.
A shake up it the family household can affect everyone even the littlest members of your family. It can be rough, depending how long your circumstances need to change for so how do you help your family through these times?
It’s simple, practice.
I know your thinking is she mad; I don’t want to practice sending my family through a stressful time. Often we don’t think simple exercises can help our families. Trial this impossible task for a week, see what you can learn as a family by living like you have no money.
You can avoid shops, schedule some family activities that just involve being together (dust off an old family board game), learn to decline offers or sales because you probably don’t need anything, re-evaluate items in your cupboards, garage or spare rooms. Sell off what you haven’t used within 12 months and learn to appreciate the things you have and utilise it.
See how you go, all spending a week at home away from shops, bake together, laugh together and spend no money. Educate yourself on what you can accomplish with no money so when you’re struck with such financial stress you can nip it in the butt and turn that negative family experience into a great bonding time.
It’s not a bad thing to survive financial chaos; it’s a building block in your life. It shows how hard you and your family can work to achieve great success. If you don’t have an emergency fund, start now.
Even if you’re chucking your spare change into tin, keep it there. Try taking a couple of dollars out of your pay straight away and putting it in another account, or if you’re afraid another account will attract your own interest in spending it take $5 a week aside and put it in an envelope. Keep it somewhere safe; away from every member of the family so just you know where it is. Back in the day I taped my emergency fund to the roof of my wardrobe, every day my husband hung up our clothes and never noticed that little envelope but it always saved the day when we thought we had nothing.
Life throws everyone a hard ball we just have to figure out a way to catch it. Trailing mini exercises of restraint might not be your idea of a great family activity but it’s great to help you prepare for such an event. Who knows try a week or two here and there and you could free up some cash to put towards a family activity together or just save in for a just in case emergency fund. I’m in the middle of my own trial ‘No spend month’ in preparation for the Christmas period, every dollar my family saves we’re putting it towards things that are eating up our income right now. You would be surprised with how much money you could potentially save with a simple exercise of pretending you have no money. All the best with your financial journey, don’t forget to check out my blog or Facebook page.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Mini m&m cookies!!
- 60g butter, softened
- 1/3 cup caster sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1/2 tablespoons oil
- 3/4 cup Self Raising flour
- m & m minis
- Preheat oven to 200, or 180 fan-forced. Line baking tray.
- Using an electric mixer, beat butter, sugar, and vanilla until fluffy (around 3 minutes)
- Add oil and flour and stir with a wooden spoon until a soft dough forms
- Use 1 teaspoon at a time, roll into balls, put on the tray, and flatten slightly.
- Then go nuts, I gave the kids sprinkles and mini m&m's in paper cupcake Patty's, and let them do their thing.
- Bake for around 10-15 minutes, depending on your oven and if you like them softer or crunchier.
I didn't have the condensed milk on hand which is why I didn't do these ones, but I usually do.
- 500g butter
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 5 cups Self Raising flour
- 1 can condensed milk
- Using electric mixer beat the butter and sugar and condensed milk
- Using a wooden spoon, add the flour and stir to combine (sometimes just add a cup less, then see how the consistency works for you)
- Then go nuts again, decorate with what you like, add Milo, choc chips, sultanas, whatever you like. You can divide the mixture into batches and freeze so you can make them when you want them.
- Roll into balls, or do that first then decorate, up to you, its very versatile. Flatten and leave spreading room.
- Bake 10 - 15 minutes, depending on your oven and crunchiness preference.
- Enjoy!
- 60g butter, softened
- 1/3 cup caster sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1/2 tablespoons oil
- 3/4 cup Self Raising flour
- m & m minis
- Preheat oven to 200, or 180 fan-forced. Line baking tray.
- Using an electric mixer, beat butter, sugar, and vanilla until fluffy (around 3 minutes)
- Add oil and flour and stir with a wooden spoon until a soft dough forms
- Use 1 teaspoon at a time, roll into balls, put on the tray, and flatten slightly.
- Then go nuts, I gave the kids sprinkles and mini m&m's in paper cupcake Patty's, and let them do their thing.
- Bake for around 10-15 minutes, depending on your oven and if you like them softer or crunchier.
I didn't have the condensed milk on hand which is why I didn't do these ones, but I usually do.
- 500g butter
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 5 cups Self Raising flour
- 1 can condensed milk
- Using electric mixer beat the butter and sugar and condensed milk
- Using a wooden spoon, add the flour and stir to combine (sometimes just add a cup less, then see how the consistency works for you)
- Then go nuts again, decorate with what you like, add Milo, choc chips, sultanas, whatever you like. You can divide the mixture into batches and freeze so you can make them when you want them.
- Roll into balls, or do that first then decorate, up to you, its very versatile. Flatten and leave spreading room.
- Bake 10 - 15 minutes, depending on your oven and crunchiness preference.
- Enjoy!
Friday, October 5, 2012
A new start, for ME!
Today I have a Dr's appointment to get some Champix to quit smoking. I did this once before and it worked a treat, but then my mum got sick and eventually passed away. There was no way I could keep it up through all that stress and grief.
I know Mum would want me to stop. She was a smoker too, and is contributed to her death. Not the cause, but it did kick in. So I am going to make sure that it wont happen to me. I fuss over my children's health all the time, forcing down vegetables, and making sure they have their daily Vitamin C etc. But I never take that much effort with my own health. So I have decided to make this change. For ME!
I have also decided to start back on the Tony Ferguson Weight Loss plan. I was doing this at the same time, and it was working well too. So I am going to give it another shot. I want to look good, and feel good. Now we are living in QLD, I have to make sure I am beach and water theme park ready right? LOL.
Anyway,I thought I would Blog about my progress on here not only as a sort of 'online diary' for myself, but I thought maybe if anyone else wanted to join me in this, we could create a nice little support group for each other. This could be quitting smoking, loosing weight, quitting coffee (is that possible!???) anything YOU want to achieve for YOURSELF!
If you want to join in, leave what you are trying to achieve in the comments section below, and we can all support each other in this quest.
Best of luck ladies! (and gentlemen if there are any that follow me....?)
I know Mum would want me to stop. She was a smoker too, and is contributed to her death. Not the cause, but it did kick in. So I am going to make sure that it wont happen to me. I fuss over my children's health all the time, forcing down vegetables, and making sure they have their daily Vitamin C etc. But I never take that much effort with my own health. So I have decided to make this change. For ME!
I have also decided to start back on the Tony Ferguson Weight Loss plan. I was doing this at the same time, and it was working well too. So I am going to give it another shot. I want to look good, and feel good. Now we are living in QLD, I have to make sure I am beach and water theme park ready right? LOL.
Anyway,I thought I would Blog about my progress on here not only as a sort of 'online diary' for myself, but I thought maybe if anyone else wanted to join me in this, we could create a nice little support group for each other. This could be quitting smoking, loosing weight, quitting coffee (is that possible!???) anything YOU want to achieve for YOURSELF!
If you want to join in, leave what you are trying to achieve in the comments section below, and we can all support each other in this quest.
Best of luck ladies! (and gentlemen if there are any that follow me....?)
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Strike Vs Mother Guilt
OK, so this morning on my Face Book page I started ranting and whinging about how I have to pick up after my Hubby, often more then I have to pick up after my 4 children! I feel bad about whinging about my hubby, he works his butt off, I know this, he is often up and out of the house around 5.30am, and doesn't get home until around 6pm, often later. This leaves me the entire day to look after our children.
I hate having to put his clothes away, and clean up all his messes. If I ask him to do it, he gets stroppy and often accuses me of nagging. I try hard not to nag. I love him and respect what he does to provide for our family.
So I am curious, where is the line? I work just as many, if not more, hours then he does. I don't get a lunch break where I can sit and sit my meal that has been pre-pared for me by someone else (yup, I even make his lunches the night before), without interruption, I can't even go to the loo by myself LOL. I try my best to be the best 'Housewife' I can be without converting to 1950's mode. (Although I am quite fond of some things from back then). There is always a hot meal on the table for him, his bed is always made, snacks are ready and on demand in the fridge/pantry, I am happy to wash, dry and fold his clothes. But how can I teach our children responsibilities when they see me doing everything for someone else. It's up to me to teach the boys that women are not objects to be ready at there beck and call, and for my daughter to learn about equality between women and men ion the workplace AND at home. Just because I am an at home mother, does NOT mean I am a stepford wife. I budget, I meal plan, I pinch every hard earned penny that he makes in order to afford the things we want and need. I work my arse off!!
I deserve more respect then to assume I will put his shoes away, that I will put his clothes away, that I will take out his plate, cutlery and cup to sink in the morning, instead of taking the 2 minutes to do it himself. How do us women juggle all of this stress, pressure and assumptions upon us? The fact is a lot of us don't. I know personally I have had to battle minor bouts of depression brought on by stress. But my worst enemy is my anxiety. I get anxious about a lot. I thought hub would understand when I get these bouts as he suffers from Bi-Polar (there is another thing I take care of, but I don't mind this one, I have to watch him a lot, gauge his moods, watch his medication intake, and check scripts, make Dr appointments, and stay on top of mood fluctuations) but I don't get the same type of treatment back. If I get a bit of anxiety I'm told to get over it and I am being silly. I don't mean to bitch and whinge and rant on here about my hubby. I love him with all my heart and soul. Sometimes I just want, no I NEED some help. I have broken out in 'teenage like' pimples due to stress, and not having any time to look after myself. I have gained weight, mostly since the passing of my mother, but I don't have time to exercise. Where is the line of giving up and saying "OK, I am not doing this anymore, I am on strike" and the guilt we all feel as mothers to do the best we can for our families? I just don't know anymore....
Rant over, sorry, but thanks.
Monday, October 1, 2012
My Three Sons - In ONE room!
Well, I know a few of you are interested in how I fit 3 young boys into one bedroom. So I thought I would show you....
Meal Plan 1/10/12 - 7/10/12
My Meal Plan this week....
Monday 1/10 - String Tied Roast Porterhouse, veggies and oven baked chips.
Tuesday 2/10 - Fish (Adults) Fish Fingers (kids) and salad
Wednesday 3/10 - Beef Lasagne with salad/veg
Thursday 4/10 - Veal Schnitzel and French Onion Potato Bake
Friday 5/10 - Beef Stroggonoff with pasta
Saturday 6/10 - Chicken and Vegetable Lasagne and Salad
Sunday 7/10 - Spag Bol and Home made Garlic Bread (using left over rolls from freezer)
- Carrot and walnut cake with cream cheese frosting x 2 (one for the neighbours)
- Apple crumble
- Homemade Sausage rolls (for hubby to take to work).
What is on your menu? Feel free to leave your weekly meal plan in the comment section below. xx
Monday 1/10 - String Tied Roast Porterhouse, veggies and oven baked chips.
Tuesday 2/10 - Fish (Adults) Fish Fingers (kids) and salad
Wednesday 3/10 - Beef Lasagne with salad/veg
Thursday 4/10 - Veal Schnitzel and French Onion Potato Bake
Friday 5/10 - Beef Stroggonoff with pasta
Saturday 6/10 - Chicken and Vegetable Lasagne and Salad
Sunday 7/10 - Spag Bol and Home made Garlic Bread (using left over rolls from freezer)
- Carrot and walnut cake with cream cheese frosting x 2 (one for the neighbours)
- Apple crumble
- Homemade Sausage rolls (for hubby to take to work).
What is on your menu? Feel free to leave your weekly meal plan in the comment section below. xx
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Our Move To QLD!
Well, if you follow my Facebook page, you will know we have had an extraordinary amount of hassle associated with moving interstate. It sucked. Plain and simple. But you know what. I am STILL happy! Living here makes me happy! The move came about when my partners work decided to shut the doors of the Victorian Factory, and relocate it to combine it with the QLD one. This was ages ago and offered us to move then, but due to the fact my mum was sick we didn't want to make the move. I needed to be there with her. I am glad I did. Before my mother passed, I did discuss the fact the company had rung Chris, virtually begging him to come up. She said not to let anyone hold us back, and she felt this was nothing but good news. She was always very in tune to her 'gut feelings'.
When my mum passed on July 15 2012, my life was turned upside down. I had no reason to stay in a place that brought me so much negativity. She was the only thing keeping me there. My family (Aunties, Uncle, Cousins even grand parents) weren't keen on me for some reason. They never invited me to family parties, or called to see how we were. It was always me making the moves. It brought be down, and I got really depressed. A lot. It took it's toll on my beautiful little family. That's when I told Chris, that I want to go to QLD. He was hesitant at first, but then he realised it was the best thing for our family, our mental health, and financially. So we did.
Now, I am not going to go into a lot of details about the move, lets just say, a little word of advice, IF you move, go with someone who is a larger company and pay that little bit extra. It is WELL worth it!
But since being here in my new home (which I LOOOOVE!) and now we have our stuff, and the major task of unpacking 6 peoples lives is at hand. I am STILL happy! It's like the negativity that weighed me down, the darkness that surrounded me. The fear of 'bumping' into a family member. It is all gone! The neighbours came out and greeted us, the children play so happily together in the street, and other neighbours that are driving, are aware kids are there, and drive super slowly. It is AMAZING here! Even Chris came home last night, after a LONG stressful day at work, and he was happy. He gave me a hug and said "You were right, this is better. I am happy, and I love the house". Ahhhh music to my ears!
Deep down I have my mother to thank for this. It was her intuition that brought us here. I was able to stay with her until the end and I know, she is watching over us right now, smiling and so proud of her family. I will miss her everyday for the rest of my life, but I am so lucky to of EVER had her in my life to begin with. She has made me happy and free.
Tiff. xx
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Personality Plus!
Today I asked my 'likers' on Facebook what they would like to see more of from me? One lady suggested about the different personalities in my household. I thought this was a great idea to start with. So here it goes....
OK, so first is my Miss 8. She has the most placid personality EVER! She is kind an nurturing, patient and loving. She See's the joy in the world. She takes time to smell the roses, and frolic in the long grass. She helps me whenever, wherever she can. However, she is the oldest out of my lot, and with 3 younger brothers, sometimes this can be trying for her. She tries to colour in nicely and it gets drawn on my Mr 22 months, she tries to sit and watch a movie and gets out voted for a 'boy' movie instead of Barbie. She often finds this unfair, but due to her beautiful nature, she accepts it and moves on. I sometimes tell the boys that it is her turn to pick a movie, and they will sit and watch it with her. Sometimes. I try to encourage her helpfulness, her kindness and reward her pleasant attitude to life in general. She has been a very easy child. However, she is getting a little older, and I have feeling, a little bit of puberty might be starting to hit her. She is sometimes rather emotional about trivial things, and is starting to get (for lack of a better word) bitchy. But she still remains a beautiful little girl, with a heart of gold, and a brain to boot. (Little brag, she is an entire year ahead in everything at school!)
Next is Mr 5 1/2 - WELL! I don't even know where to start with this one. He is.... impulsive. I have come to learn he is what they call a heuristic learner. You tell him a thousand times the stove is hot, but he won't believe it until he touches it and burns his hand. Then he will do it again to b sure! He acts before he thinks, and gets upset with himself when he has to suffer the consequences for his actions. However, in saying this, he has a giant heart of pure gold. If someone gets hurt, he is there to help, if I can't lift something, he tries his best to help (he is freakishly strong!). Since hubby has been away the last 2 weeks, he has become 'the man of the house'. He has embraced this with all he has to give. He helps with the baby, and cleans up after people that are smaller then him. He gives me cuddles when I am tired, and having a bad day. He is VERY much daddy's boy. I have alot of trouble with this one though, he has an attitude, and he has a tendency to get angry easily, he is a very emotional little thing. I feel for him when he gets upset, he gets upset with only himself, and it takes alot of reassuring to get him back to himself. We have had to make a big change in diet for him, as if he has much sugar at all, he goes batty. Like seriously, climbing the walls! So we have cut it out. This has made a huge difference to his behaviour. He doesn't like reading, but he is VERY clever as well. Just like his big sister.
Mr 4 1/2 - well, he is pretty easy actually. He will be going to school next year, and I will miss having him home with me. He does not ever stop talking, but he is always wanting hugs and kisses, which is perfectly fine by me! He doesn't eat much, but what he does eat, he doesn't complain about.
I am curious to see how he will go at school next year, he might have to work on his listening problem, but, what 4 year old listens? He is very kind, LOVES his little brother to bits. Fights like a house on fire with Mr 5 1/2, but that is only because he looks up to his big brother. I have to keep him entertained at all times, he gets bored easily. So, rainy days are, difficult sometimes. But he is so loving. He LOVES to help around the house too, which is fantastic!
Finally, Mr 22 months. Well he is a bit young to be able to asses his personality. But so far, he is a mummy's boy! He LOVES his cuddles, loves his kisses, and loves his food!! Oh and his teddy which he named 'Tedda!" He is lost without Tedda.
I am very lucky to have 4 beautiful loving helpful children. I don't know what they will be like when they are older. But I can't wait to find out. I am thankful everyday that I have this lot. Even the days that they irritate me, they are still the most precious, beautiful things on this planet to me. :)
xx Tiff.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Hump day - Wednesday
Well, today, Wednesday, is feeling very much like a hump day for me. As we have 9 days left here in Victoria, I have been frantically packing and cleaning the house while hubby is up in beautiful sunny QLD working. It is more work then I thought. I don't know why I thought I could do it easily, but hey we all misjudge at some point HAHA!
Today the kids had the day off school as their teachers were on strike. I wouldn't have minded, but I had a trillion errands to run this morning. I did get them done however, then we went out for lunch. It was nice. To a point. However silly me forgot I was getting some boxes while I was out, and put the pram in the boot. Well, if anyone was watching me and the lady who I got the boxes from, they would have had a laughing fit. 20 boxes into a Tarago boot, with a 3 wheeled pram. Hmmm. That was ..... an experience! LOL
So I have packed most of the house up. All the boxes are being stored in what was the play room. However I didn't think this through very well, as I didn't vacuum it first, I'm curious what will be under them once they go in the truck, yikes! So all we have left to go are the clothes, kitchen, and cleaning things. Of course there is then the whole lot of linen on all the beds one the day of moving. I will have to leave some boxes out for them.
I can't wait to join my partner up in QLD. The kids are getting restless because they are so excited, we are all getting impatient and anxious to get there. Maybe it's because it's warmer up there HAHA.
Oh well, that's my spiel for now.
I hope everyone else is having a rip snorter of a day!
XX Tiff.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Sunday, August 26, 2012
McDonalds is NOT free daycare!
OK, so usually, I do NOT 'bag out' other parents, I generally believe that most of us try to do our best and all that jazz. However, I had two, TWO, separate incidents, that made me a little mad, one more then another.
Hubby and I had to drive 1 1/2 hours to pick up the kids, his mum meets us half way to her house so neither of us has to travel 3 hours straight. Any who, we go to the service centre on the Freeway that has petrol, Maccas and KFC, you know, them places everyone stops at to have a break. Well seeing I have had 4 kids, my bladder was about to burst, so I thought I would shimmy over to the loo's and do what we do there. On my way out, I opened the door, and turned the corner. The out of nowhere - WHACK! a metal 'child proof' gate from the Maccas Playground came swinging at my face with a small child hanging on it, and into my nose it went. Not cool.
I stood there, holding onto my nose, tears threatening (you know how it is with noses). I decided I would wait to see if a parent of the child came to me to do the right thing and say sorry on behalf of the child, and so I could tell them their precious bundle of joy can in fact escape the playground, close to the door to the busy road. I waited there for 5 minutes, and no sign of the parent!! I had to go back to the car as my Mother In Law had arrived. But I was not comfortable in leaving the child there, apparently unsupervised. I didn't know what to do, I went back in there to get my kids some fries from Maccas to subdue them until we got home, and the child was sitting down with the parents. I decided not to go and talk to the parents, to let them know their child could escape, and almost made me cry in public. But I am curious, do you often find parents throwing their kids into the Playgrounds of an enclosed area, and then disappearing without a trace for much longer then you prefer?
OK, so second incident today. When we were driving to the destination to collect our kiddies, I was happily driving along, bopping my head to the music Hubby calls 'crap' (which it is not), and I look in my rear view, and there is this car 'hooning' up behind me. This Freeway is 110kpm, so you drive pretty fast as it is, but as always, you get idiots that decide they are better the everyone, and have the right to speed. They were right up my bum. They decided to cut in really close behind me to over take. I kinda just thought "whatever, be stupid". I instinctively looked over, and I gaped in astonishment! I just stared and went "OH MY GOD!" it was a mother in that car, with 3 small children in car seats. But the part that got me outraged, was the fact she had all the windows up, and was smoking!!!! I couldn't believe it. Ill admit it, as much as I hate it, I am a mild smoker. But under no circumstances what so ever, would I ever smoke in the car with my children in it, with windows up or down. EVER! This is in fact illegal in Victoria as well. So I got hubby to jot down the licence plate number, and noted what exit she took, and I rang the police when we stopped.
I know, I have been whinging a lot in this post, but sometimes, I feel like a really crap parent, there are so many things I could be doing different/better. But then days like today, I feel like SuperMum! I'm not, but I feel like it lol. I hope I did the right thing in 'dobbing in' this lady, but I just couldn't let it go. Those poor kids.
Would love to hear your opinions and views.
Hubby and I had to drive 1 1/2 hours to pick up the kids, his mum meets us half way to her house so neither of us has to travel 3 hours straight. Any who, we go to the service centre on the Freeway that has petrol, Maccas and KFC, you know, them places everyone stops at to have a break. Well seeing I have had 4 kids, my bladder was about to burst, so I thought I would shimmy over to the loo's and do what we do there. On my way out, I opened the door, and turned the corner. The out of nowhere - WHACK! a metal 'child proof' gate from the Maccas Playground came swinging at my face with a small child hanging on it, and into my nose it went. Not cool.
I stood there, holding onto my nose, tears threatening (you know how it is with noses). I decided I would wait to see if a parent of the child came to me to do the right thing and say sorry on behalf of the child, and so I could tell them their precious bundle of joy can in fact escape the playground, close to the door to the busy road. I waited there for 5 minutes, and no sign of the parent!! I had to go back to the car as my Mother In Law had arrived. But I was not comfortable in leaving the child there, apparently unsupervised. I didn't know what to do, I went back in there to get my kids some fries from Maccas to subdue them until we got home, and the child was sitting down with the parents. I decided not to go and talk to the parents, to let them know their child could escape, and almost made me cry in public. But I am curious, do you often find parents throwing their kids into the Playgrounds of an enclosed area, and then disappearing without a trace for much longer then you prefer?
OK, so second incident today. When we were driving to the destination to collect our kiddies, I was happily driving along, bopping my head to the music Hubby calls 'crap' (which it is not), and I look in my rear view, and there is this car 'hooning' up behind me. This Freeway is 110kpm, so you drive pretty fast as it is, but as always, you get idiots that decide they are better the everyone, and have the right to speed. They were right up my bum. They decided to cut in really close behind me to over take. I kinda just thought "whatever, be stupid". I instinctively looked over, and I gaped in astonishment! I just stared and went "OH MY GOD!" it was a mother in that car, with 3 small children in car seats. But the part that got me outraged, was the fact she had all the windows up, and was smoking!!!! I couldn't believe it. Ill admit it, as much as I hate it, I am a mild smoker. But under no circumstances what so ever, would I ever smoke in the car with my children in it, with windows up or down. EVER! This is in fact illegal in Victoria as well. So I got hubby to jot down the licence plate number, and noted what exit she took, and I rang the police when we stopped.
I know, I have been whinging a lot in this post, but sometimes, I feel like a really crap parent, there are so many things I could be doing different/better. But then days like today, I feel like SuperMum! I'm not, but I feel like it lol. I hope I did the right thing in 'dobbing in' this lady, but I just couldn't let it go. Those poor kids.
Would love to hear your opinions and views.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
The 'S' word (Sex!)
Ok, so I haven't done a post for a while, and thought I would shake things up a little bit and be brutally honest with everyone about who I am. I love having sex. With my hubby only of course.
I am curious though, sex seems to be such a taboo subject. We all have it (that's how most of us get babies!) we should all enjoy it, heck it feels good when done right!
I don't see why this subject is soooo taboo though. Obviously you're not going to go running down the street screaming "I just had sex with my partner, wooooo." But it just seems so naughty and secretive. I think this has something to do with the success of the book 50 Shades Of Grey and the following 2 book 50 Shades Darker, and 50 Shades Freed. Mum's want to be able to be open about this topic. It's fun, it feels good, and it is one of the most natural things on earth.
Obviously everyone likes different things, likes to be in control, taken control of, soft and gentle, hard and fast. Whatever 'floats your boat' is ok, as long as it is between 2 consenting adults. Sex is something that should be celebrated in my opinion.
So, back to the book. I am obsessed with it!! I think alot of mums are! For me, it's not about all the kinky fetish stuff (although, SOME of it sounds pretty fun!) but for me it's about the fact, Ana the young lady that is being seduced by Christian, a very wealthy young man (who is VERY attractive) doesn't really have to voice what she wants. It is like he just knows. To me that sounds just Devinne! Of course, this is a fantasy book and not based on reality. People don't usually have that kind of link with the brain waves to be able to sense what each other wants. But I guess I personally feel that after the 7 years hubby and I have been together, we should know to some degree what feels good for one another.
That's my thoughts anyway, the intuition between 2 people who love each other and make the choice to be together intimately, it is not a given, it has to be worked on, and alot.
Back to my original point, the word SEX shouldn't be so outcast, its a wonderful natural thing that should be savoured and enjoyed, we should be able to talk to friends about it without fear of judgement or feeling like we have been doing something naughty. Maybe it's just me that thinks this way, and I hope I don't ruffle too many feathers writing this, I just wanted it out there.
Have a great day everyone - and hopefully, you have a great night too ;)
Friday, July 27, 2012
![]() |
My mum and my 4 kiddies. xxxxx |
She was diagnosed with Gall Bladder Cancer in November last year, almost exactly 2 weeks after my grandmother passed away. So we have gone from nursing my grandmother, to nursing my mother. It has been had hard few years. But the last month of my life, have been a blurry hell. I have barely been home. It has been a blessing that Chris has been able to be off work for so long as we get things in place for our move to QLD. He has taken the reins at home with the kids and the housework, and the cooking, for me, so I could spend time with my mum. For this I am eternally grateful to him. I got to spend the time with her, just me and her, without having to keep kids in line.
I am having very vivid flashes in my head of her last breath. I blink and I see it, it stops me in my tracks. You see, no one else was with me when she passed. My Aunty was outside on the phone. It was just me. We knew it was close. So she was calling my other Aunty to come over. So I sat and told my mum a story, about how she will get to see her mum again, and they can go fishing off a pier and catch rainbow coloured fish. Then they could sit on the beach and eat fish and chips. And walk hand in hand into the sunset. I hated seeing her in pain, so I whispered to her that it was ok. Ok to go into the sunset with nanna. About 30 seconds after I said that, she was gone, and I was left sobbing in the lounge room of her home, alone, holding her hand and wishing she would take another breathe so I could tell her once again that I loved her.
I have been floating in a blurred state the last 2 weeks, the first week I had to plan her funeral totally on my own. I had never done that before, and it was hard, scary, and horridly sad. I cried like a baby when reading her eulogy, and I am not embarrassed to admit that. But I stood there, on my own, and said what I wanted to say, about a lady that had a heart of gold, soul of an angel, and the kindness of a saint. My mum.
Mum, I will love you always, and there will not be a day I won't think about you. xxxx
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Dancing Queen - Take 2!
Well I am bragging today! My Miss8 Holly had her dancing concert last weekend, and she did a FANTASTIC job!! I am a very proud mumma!
All glittered up! The amount of Hairspray, and glitter hairspray, in this room, was enough to choke all us mums!! |
Eating! LOL |
Ready for the 2nd dance. Note: Her lippy has not smeared, she had red powerade! LOL! |
....and chips! lol |
The gang! (Holly is the one laying down!) :) |
Well thats my little brag for tonight! :)
Tiff xx
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Costco Rocks!
A few months back I got a Costco membership. I went down with another mum from school and we had a BALL! It was great to get out and do stuff together.
On the weekend I convinced hubby to let me stop there, so he could see the bargains for himself (and to pick up a few more things lol).
This is what we got:
Shredded Ham - $8
2 x 750g packs
I am so impressed with what they have to offer! I would highly recommend people to go if you can. I am waiting until Tax time when I can take a lot of money in, and stock up for a few months! Looking forward to it. If anyone has any questions about Costco, please feel free to ask. Its really quite daunting spending $60 on a membership on something you don't know much about. :)
On the weekend I convinced hubby to let me stop there, so he could see the bargains for himself (and to pick up a few more things lol).
This is what we got:
$15 - Meat Lovers |
It was too big to fit in my oven! I had to cut it in half! :O |
18 pack 2 Min Noodles = $10 |
5kg Long grain Rice $7.50 |
2x 1kg Nutella $9 |
12 x tins diced tomatoes $7.50 & 6 jars (700ml) passata sauce $5 |
Shredded Ham - $8
2 x 750g packs
Koala March 25xlittle packs (like tiny teddies kind of) $7 |
1 kg! Minced Garlic $5 |
I am so impressed with what they have to offer! I would highly recommend people to go if you can. I am waiting until Tax time when I can take a lot of money in, and stock up for a few months! Looking forward to it. If anyone has any questions about Costco, please feel free to ask. Its really quite daunting spending $60 on a membership on something you don't know much about. :)
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Quick, easy Cannelloni!
Easy Lamb Cannelloni.
You will need:
- Fresh lasagne sheets
- 600g Lamb Mince (or beef, I had lamb though)
- 700g Jar pasta sauce
- 3 tsp Tuscan seasoning
- 100g Feta cheese, crumbled
- Mozzarella Cheese, grated
You will need:
- Fresh lasagne sheets
- 600g Lamb Mince (or beef, I had lamb though)
- 700g Jar pasta sauce
- 3 tsp Tuscan seasoning
- 100g Feta cheese, crumbled
- Mozzarella Cheese, grated
Monday, May 28, 2012
The Play Room
Mums Swedish Meatballs!
My mum calls this recipe Swedish Meatballs. I don't know what make them Swedish, but its a cool name so I am going to stick with it :)
Ok so you need:
1 large carrot, grated
1kg Sausage Mince
About half cup breadcrums
1 egg
2 cans tomato soup
Anything extra you want to add, grated zucchini for example
Salt and Pepper - of course!
This is how you do it:
1 - Put your grated carrot in a bowl with your sausage mince bread crumbs egg and any extras. Season with salt and pepper.
2 - Squish it all together with your hands until its all combined. This is really fun, maybe a good one to get the kids to help with!
3 - Roll meat mixture into meatball sizes.
4 - Brown edges in a frying pan with a little bit of oil. Do this in batches so you don't over crowd your pan.
5 - Put all the meatballs back into the frying pan, and add 2 cans tomato soup to the pan.
6 - Bring to the boil, then allow to simmer until the meatballs are cooked through - about 30 minutes, depending on how big you make them.
7 - Serve with rice, mashed potato or whatever else you would like.
8 - Clean up - this is the bad part!
Note: I sometimes add some dried mixed herb if I have them and remember to the meatball mixture.
Ok so you need:
1 large carrot, grated
1kg Sausage Mince
About half cup breadcrums
1 egg
2 cans tomato soup
Anything extra you want to add, grated zucchini for example
Salt and Pepper - of course!
This is how you do it:
1 - Put your grated carrot in a bowl with your sausage mince bread crumbs egg and any extras. Season with salt and pepper.
2 - Squish it all together with your hands until its all combined. This is really fun, maybe a good one to get the kids to help with!
3 - Roll meat mixture into meatball sizes.
4 - Brown edges in a frying pan with a little bit of oil. Do this in batches so you don't over crowd your pan.
5 - Put all the meatballs back into the frying pan, and add 2 cans tomato soup to the pan.
6 - Bring to the boil, then allow to simmer until the meatballs are cooked through - about 30 minutes, depending on how big you make them.
7 - Serve with rice, mashed potato or whatever else you would like.
8 - Clean up - this is the bad part!
Note: I sometimes add some dried mixed herb if I have them and remember to the meatball mixture.
Cheese and Bacon Rolls
My kids LOVE Cheese and Bacon Rolls, here is my recipe. I make double batches and freeze what I can salvage from when they were originally baked, Great for School Lunches.
CHEESE AND BACON ROLLS. (Single batch, works just as well if you double everything)
CHEESE AND BACON ROLLS. (Single batch, works just as well if you double everything)
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Miss 8's Roller Blade Party - Part 2 - The Food
Ok so I sat down with my little Miss 8 and asked her what she wanted for food at her party. Keeping in mind it was 9am - 12pm so it was more of a morning tea then anything else.
We ended up deciding on:
- Rainbow Jelly Cups
- Cake Pops
- Fruit Platter (this was MY idea!)
- Coloured Popcorn
- Tea Cups Biscuit things.
- Chocolate Coated Strawberries (Miss 8's favourite thing in the world!)
- Chips
We ended up deciding on:
- Rainbow Jelly Cups
- Cake Pops
- Fruit Platter (this was MY idea!)
- Coloured Popcorn
- Tea Cups Biscuit things.
- Chocolate Coated Strawberries (Miss 8's favourite thing in the world!)
- Chips
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Miss 8's Rollerblade Birthday Party! Part 1 - 'Lolly Bags'
Recently, my 'little' girl turned 8. Yup E.I.G.H.T! Yikes! She was very much over kiddy parties and wanted to do something more grown up! So this is what we came up with. Roller blades. My first reaction muttered under my breathe.... S**T! LOL!
But it was actually a REALLY great party! They threw in a 1 hour long 'learn to skate' lesson before the party started so I got a little bonus of an extra hour free and all the kids knew the basics! The only problem was, this started at 9am! On a Saturday! 9! AM! I wouldn't usually have a problem with this, but I had one of Miss 8's friends sleep over the night before the party, so I had to get 5 kids ready instead of the usual 4, and make sure the guest had all their belongings with them the next morning. I went to bed early to get some rest, set the alarm clock. But you know how kids like to turn your alarm volume? Yeah mine does. And did the night before. So I woke up at 8 am! I think you can imagine the panic and rush since it took 25 minutes to get to the place of the party! AARRGGHH!
Despite all that, my daughter had a great time! I think I pulled it off quite well. And I even remembered how to roller blade from when I was a kid. One quote from a child attending the party was "I didn't know Mum's could Roller Blade!" HA-HA precious! But yes we can! And I did! (I didn't manage to get a photo of this as hubby took the boys off for a play, and it is kind of hard taking a photo of yourself roller blading LOL!)
Ok so here are the pictures!
But it was actually a REALLY great party! They threw in a 1 hour long 'learn to skate' lesson before the party started so I got a little bonus of an extra hour free and all the kids knew the basics! The only problem was, this started at 9am! On a Saturday! 9! AM! I wouldn't usually have a problem with this, but I had one of Miss 8's friends sleep over the night before the party, so I had to get 5 kids ready instead of the usual 4, and make sure the guest had all their belongings with them the next morning. I went to bed early to get some rest, set the alarm clock. But you know how kids like to turn your alarm volume? Yeah mine does. And did the night before. So I woke up at 8 am! I think you can imagine the panic and rush since it took 25 minutes to get to the place of the party! AARRGGHH!
Despite all that, my daughter had a great time! I think I pulled it off quite well. And I even remembered how to roller blade from when I was a kid. One quote from a child attending the party was "I didn't know Mum's could Roller Blade!" HA-HA precious! But yes we can! And I did! (I didn't manage to get a photo of this as hubby took the boys off for a play, and it is kind of hard taking a photo of yourself roller blading LOL!)
Ok so here are the pictures!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Turning 5!
So my second born, Jakob, his birthday is December 31st. I can't believe he came on this day.I feel sorry for him having such a special day on such a special day. All his life he hasn't had a birthday party as it was NYE and since it is not long after Christmas, we are usually strapped for cash!
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Mother's day!
Well, firstly, I would like to wish all the beautiful mums, and VERY Happy Mother's Day! I hope everyone had a fantastic day full of relaxing and love.
I love mother's day. I got woken up this morning to a lovely breakfast in bed with a
To me mother's day isn't about presents or alone time (well a little bit of alone time doesn't hurt!) but it's about your family stopping to take time to show they love you and respect what you do, all day, every day, all year, for LIFE! (LOL) I love the handmade gift's the kids work SO hard on to give to me, because they think I am special. :)
My Mr5 made this for me at school My Miss 8 made this for me at school
I think they are JUST gorgeous, and am looking for a place to hang them around my bedroom. :)
My Miss 8 always goes out of her way to show me her love. This kid, is one in a million!
The front of my beautiful card :)
My gorgeous Chris took the kids shopping yesterday. (I was shopping for MY mum as well separately and happened to walk past a shop where MR 4 was covered by a poster he had pulled down from the window LOL) These were my gorgeous pressies. I am the luckiest mum on earth!
Of course,mother's day isn't always happy happy joy joy. My mother, as some of you already know, is quite ill, and this could very well be her last Mother's Day. My brother and I made sure we grabbed some things from the supermarket for lunch, and we headed over there with the kids to have lunch and spoil her. I love my mum, she is an angel on earth. I feel like I miss her already even though she is still with us. I just don't want her to have any more pain. Happy Mother's Day Mummy. I love you, to the moon and back! xxxxxx
My mummy with Mr 18months :D |
Liam - Mr18 months |
Me and my gorgeous man Chris - thank you for my day! |
Miss almost 8 in her PJ's, because she was THAT excited LOL |
My brother, his girlfriend and Mr4 |
Mr 5 - he gives the BEST hugs! xx |
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